Monday, October 13, 2008

Oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die.

So my day wrapped up into three words. Shitty. As. Hell. Well, I suppose you could also call it 'interesting.' (To all the firefly/Serenity fans out there who just got that reference. I'm a fellow geek and I adore you.)

First, I thought it was an even day when it was an odd day so I brought all the wrong stuff to school. I had a test in Japanese that I couldn't study for because I didn't have my notes. I had Biology, where the power went out and the microscopes didn't work and he still expected us to finish the lab. I embarrassed myself constantly with my lack of skills in remembering people's names. And then after school I had to rush around and do four things at once and spend time with Brandy, of all people. And all of this was accomplished on two hours of sleep due to nightmares and insomnia. The result was me acting spazzy and ADD all day and singing songs at the top of my lungs, and trust me, I am NOT a good singer. The fact that today I thought I actually didn't do so bad just proves how much I need sleep or a lazy-eyed midget to hit me with a pink hammer until my hearing returns.

But the highlight of my day is that I got actual spaghetti for dinner and Dezzi and I watched 'How I Met Your Mother' and listened to a song that reminds her of me. Great stuff.

I'm going to kill something for my lack of money and dresses. Preferably, the school because they won't let me take a student to homecoming who doesn't go to our school. BOO. Pretty much the verdict for an outfit for homecoming is between this aqua dress that used to be my mom's and in my opinion looks awful on me, my cotton black dress with gray jeans underneath (because, as I learned at the Twilight Party, if I do any dancing in that dress without pants on underneath, I flash my panties to everyone. Thank you Towi for dancing behind me the whole time) or a pair of gray dress slacks that mom bought me for a job interview at OMSI that need to be hemmed and a pretty striped purple top. Yay for purple!

If it wasn't a school dance and I wouldn't look like an idiot, I'd probably let Emma dress me, which would mean I'd be a slutty rainbow. This is one of my backups for Halloween, however.

And on the topic of fashion, me and Kisti discussed the best and cheapest way to dress up as a zombie. The bad thing is that it will be FREEZING COLD IN RIPPED CLOTHES. I definitely need to go to the Zombie Parade downtown. With any luck, Katie will tag along because it would be like heaven for her. So my schedule for that week is Hawthorne shopping, Homecoming, Zombie Parade, school, school, school, school, Trick or Treating/Escape Party with Nick. It's gonna be great.


I really gotta work on making my posts shorter. I just ramble on and on and on and on and on...

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