Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nightmares are the work of dreams gone horribly, horribly wrong

I'm not supposed to be here, but I am. This blogging thing is addictive as hell.

So, I love my giant window. It allows the full moon to illuminate my bedroom to the point that it appears to be the middle of the day at 3 am. Utterly gorgeous sight. The only way it could've been better would be if there were stars out, but no, the moon is lonely at night. The stars have been chased away by the streetlamps.

Another good thing about the moon, it's chased away the nightmare.

I kept having this dream that Tom is finally successful in his idiotic suicide attempts. As if that's not bad enough, that night a guy (who looks kind've like Tom, but it's dark and hard to tell) comes through my window. I think it is Tom and I'm crying out of sheer joy that he's not dead. I'm utterly ecstatic that he's alive. So he comes in, sits on the bed with me and pulls out something from his pocket. Sometimes it's a shard of glass, and sometimes it's a razor. I'm confused but he's smiling like a madman and pins me on the bed and starts cutting me. I'm screaming and crying but no one can hear me and he just keeps cutting and cutting. He's still grinning and even laughs a few times while I'm screaming.

And it goes on like that for a while until I freak myself out enough to wake up. Then I spend a few hours staring at my window and trying to calm myself down. One time I must've fallen asleep because I dreamt that Tori came over, climbed through the window and comforted me until I was asleep. And of course, Dezzi walks in while Tori is there, quiet as a mouse and when I'm screaming everyone's asleep. But that's dreams for you, illogical.

It makes me wonder what would happen if I had the dream and then woke up and Tom was actually there.

Well class is almost over, off to lunch!

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