Sunday, October 12, 2008

First Impressions

So here's my first entry. I always think too much about these things because this will determine your entire idea of who I am. My math teacher on our first day puked outside and then gave us a lecture on first impressions and how they're almost always wrong because he won't puke every time we have class. I'm always wondering about impressions and what we think of other people and what they think of us and the judgments involved in all of it lately. I blame my Literary Seminar class (not to be confused with the three other Lit. classes I'm taking) because right now that's what we're discussing. It makes me wonder what our big project is going to be this time. Maybe something about what our perfect religion would include. Hmm, let's see. How about a religion that has no god, everything is the product of random chance, you live for each day and everyone believes that in an ideal world humanity wouldn't exist. Oh wait, that's Chahles' entire philosophy and if it were a religion you'd get nutcases that would kill everyone to create this 'ideal world'. Oh well.

I think I'm going to take my camera to school tomorrow, and take pictures of everyone by surprise. The only problem with that whole 'catch them by surprise' thing, is that the pictures are usually blurry. I need a new camera, but I'm broke and can't get a job so I can't afford one. And we're not having christmas this year so that's out.

So this is probably pretty unusual for a first post, huh? Usually someone would introduce themselves, talk about their lives and their interests, but that requires too much thinking and I'd be sitting in front of this computer for 4 days trying to create the perfect first post without somehow bringing up a demon into the computer that wants to love me and kill everyone else and then Buffy has to come and save the day, as per usual (Dezzi has got me watching the entire 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' series from beginning to end). So screw that I'll start in the middle, as if I've had this blog for a while and I'm perfectly comfortable. It's a possibility that I'll post all that information about interests and hobbies and my life later, but I'm not giving any guarantees. Most of the people who read this will be my friends and they already know me. And if you want to know me, then ask and I may respond.

I got a really scary email earlier. It was from this girl Jess, giving me part of a song she wrote. It's all about the pain she's in because I stole him from her and how she wished I would disappear. It freaked me out because I instantly thought it was from 'Jess' as in 'Jess and Jamee' (Or if you're Shortie, Tom's Team Rocket). Freaked me the hell out. Then I double-checked the email address and it was from Jess from my Literary Magazine class and the song was a work of coincidental fiction that we had to write for class. Mine was about beatings and suicide and somehow had a happy ending. It's to the tune of 'An Irish Lullaby.'

And so there's my first post. I'm off to call Buffy to save the day now, just in case I have created an evil demon within this blog.

Oh, and Team Rocket Jess? Don't get any brilliant ideas about sending me emails with songs that should freak me out.

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