Friday, October 31, 2008

Why Is The World Such A Cruel Place?

So, not fun times.

My dog, Toby, just had a surgery for his busted knee tendons and I can't look think about him without crying. I don't know why. I just do. I can't stand how he looks so sad. And he's going to be in a cast like this for 6 months.

So last night, after I had just had to let him outside because I didn't know when Mom and Sarah were going to be home and he'd been in the crate all day. Afterwards, I call them and they actually answer. Dear ol' sis asks why I sound so upset. I respond that I'm crying because of the dog. She doesn't get it. But, unlike MY OWN MOTHER, she doesn't laugh at me, she instead grins and calls me really pathetic. They'll be home in 5 minutes.

So Grandma, who was how I got home, leaves, knowing I'll be okay to be home alone for five minutes until they get back.

When they get home they scold me for crying and call me useless and pathetic a few more times. I feel like crying all over again so I go to my room and call Tom, because Tori and I are having a fight.

now, I'm not sure if any of you can get the bond that me and Tori have. We're soulmates minus the romance. We're best friends. We're brain twins. And now she has these two new close friends, Lucas and Sara--Lurah. The way she talks about them, and the fact that Sara is so like me, I'm feeling replaced. Which is not good, because I have abandonment issues. So I stew with it for a while, and when I tell Tori about it, whom I expect to understand and make me feel better and assure me it's not true and everything she does when I'm feeling down about anything, but no. She tells me because she doesn't know why I feel this way (hmmm, I THINK IT'S BECAUSE YOU ACT LIEK HE'S MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME, THAT YOU LOVE HIM MORE), she can't do anything about it. And that's the end of the story. She acts as if she doesn't CARE. I can see why Tom left all of them. The closest thing I can think of to describe it is:

Emma, if Katie had found someone and was becoming closer to that person than you, and used your inside jokes with them, and was generally REPLACING you, and then when you told her how it made you feel, she just didn't care, what would you do? That's kind've what I'm going through.

So then, today. Dad is telling me that because he's giving me rides everywhere (which he isn't, grandma is) that I have to clean the kitchen, put away the groceries, get ready etc. I say that's fine, I'll get to it right away. Then he tells me I have to let Toby outside. I explain to him how that turns me into as mother implied "a useless pathetic crying ball." He starts getting really mad that I'm not pulling my weight and everyone else is trying and how I have to tough it out and he doesn't care if I'm a crying useless ball. Then he leaves to catch his bus because he's going to be late.

I mean, really? I'm doing all the chores? Can't SARAH let the dog out and carry him around until he goes?

We all thought that once he got a job he'd do better. Be Daddy again. Stop being so angry all the time. But now that he has a job, no, two jobs, he's worse of a bastard than he ever was before.

I really just can't handle anything anymore. Too much is going on at once. I can't wait until the great big party that will be tonight starts so I can have some sort of fun.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Day On the Other Side of The Rainbow

So, fun day.

I got to skip being a model and my homework, to go watch a movie with Dezzi. Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist is amazing. OH GOD THE GUM. THE RECORDING OF THE ORGASM. OH OH GOD.

Yeah, so I suggest it to anyone who reads this (which is no one...). It didn't matter that I had already seen it with Tori (and we got everyone in the theatre to think we were together, it's hard to explain), it was a good enough movie to see it twice, especially with my sister. And then we had to pick up my mom afterwards and she said she'd be out in 5 minutes. In my mother lingo, that means 20 minutes. So, even though I don't even have my permit yet and it was completely illegal, Dezzi let me drive around the parking lot. I was giddy, she was freaking and I had her hand on the wheel the whole time. Then, after we'd gone five feet, Mom called asking where we were. We said we were down the street and we'd drive up in a second. She saw us switch seats and completely knew what had happened. Dezzi and I were all like "Crap, don't smile don't smile" as we were telling her we didn't know what she was talking about. She just told us we were bad girls and laughed. I doubt I'd ever get off that easy if she had any inclination that we were on a road, or if I actually had my foot on the gas pedal and if Dezzi hadn't had complete control.

So yeah, fun day.

But BEFORE school ended, I fell asleep in most my classes, had a fire drill, couldn't find Emmy, and I had to swallow my pride and write a Twilight Fanfic for my friend to cheer her up. It worked wonderfully even though I had to go against all my morals as a writer.

And tomorrow I get to be a model for a political statement on abortion. Whoo.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Shouldn't A Zombie Not Feel Any Stinging?

So zombie parade was GREAT. All my friends minus Tori and Lurah showed up and it was AMAZING. I was a zombie bride. My train kept getting ripped up and I swear I was trailing that thing for two blocks because of it. Emma kept carrying it and then stuffing it down my skirt.

Also, I got home, was in the shower for an hour in a half using everything at hand to get my makeup off. I didn't look in a mirror before I went to bed. I woke up to find dark, sunken eyes and blood stains coming down my face. Exfoliated twice, rinsed, scrubbed, and did all sorts of crap to get it off. Although I was kind've tempted to go to school like that, I decided not to. I was too tired to deal with people asking everything and it wasn't nearly as great as it was before. In the end my face was really dry and I put some moisturizer stuff on it and GOD DID THAT STING. So I was in pain for half a day because I literally scrubbed my face raw, and then stuck some "envigorating" tee tree oil stuff in it. This stuff tingles when you're face isn't raw. IT STINGS WHEN IT IS.

And then I'm in Japanese and I scratch at my neck and my fingers come back white. I STILL HAVE MAKEUP TO GET OFF WTF NOOOOOOO.

And so, I loved the Zombie Parade (especially when I went afterwards to The Roxy with Chahles and people stared. I think we scared a couple of kids on the max home), and the dance was amazing, but the makeup was a bitch.

Oh also, I actually DREAMT about zombies. It had influenced me enough to do that. This just cracks me up.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dances and Zombies. Nice Mix.

Why is it that every dance Tori and I go to has a Drake look-alike? And why does she always point it out?

Other than that little tidbit, which completely divided my attention and was ANNOYING, the dance was a lot of fun. I got to hang out with D'say and Panda and Tori even agreed that he was sexy, although she didn't like his manner because he kept ogling her. Now let's see, Tori's a D-cup and had a dramatically low cut dress AND she was grinding with a girl. What guy in that room WASN'T staring at us? She even said it was her GOAL to make as many guys as she could in the crowd get hard-ons. And then she's upset that Panda kept looking at her. This girl is so hypocritical.

So other than that, WHOO ZOMBIE PARADE. I have no idea HOW to do my make-up, and Dezzi was supposed to help me but she has to work so Dad and I have to fend for ourselves. GREAT.

I also have to figure out what I'm going to be for halloween. None of my old costumes work, because they all look like crap. So I maygo buy a V for Vendetta mask and be Anonymous, or just trade clothes with Emmy.

Ah well, I'll figure it out later. Ta ta!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A little dose of me and my creativity

So I was in class the other day and our teacher was discussing
the baby elephant at the zoo that was rejected by it's mother but they've reunited the two and it's all heartbreakingly sweet. Then he asked us to write about it after saying the following: "You don't have any idea what it's like to have the person who gave you birth just say 'Eh' and desert you, do you? Can you even imagine what that elephant would be feeling? Can you imagine what it's like to feel like your mother just left you?"

So here was my response:
"Actually I do. It's not hard, really. I can't remember the day it happened or anything but I can still feel the effect it has. Can you imagine what it's like to be raised by people whom you consider to be your parents, but to feel the guilt of thinking of them that way because they're not really. They picked you out on a shelf, the perfect child, to replace the broken one they lost.

And you are the perfect child. Never arguing, never getting into drugs, even when you were a baby you barely ever cried. You're easy. So when you make it hard they disown you as the person they knew. Now they have a stranger sitting in a stolen chair. Replacing the one that was supposed to be there.

That's all you are, a replacement. To everyone. Something to pass the time until you hurt them, until you lose their interest or maybe just until they find someone else. None of them really care about you. They just act that way to e polite, to get you to stick around so they can use you some more. Liars, all of them."

And that's as far as I got. Obviously, I have some abandonment issues, but it seems as though most of my closest friends have the same problem. Weird. It must be something in the water.

So in other news, homecoming is coming up next weekend, and I'm actually able to take someone who doesn't go to the school. Yay! It's gonna be fun. The hard part is, deciding between the two dresses that mom bought in addition to the new coat. We're taking whatever dress I'm not wearing back (because we're poor and can't afford to keep both, despite Dad's delusions), but I CAN'T PICK. I'm very indecisive.

I'm actually feeling quite guilty. Mom shouldn't have spent that money, she should have just let me wear something I had. Ugh. I hate my emotions sometimes. I'm always guilty of something, it seems.

Ah, well, I may post pictures later of the dress and my date and me and all those cutesy pictures that everyone hates. Ta-ta for now.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Short and Not-So-Sweet

So lots of issues that I'm not going into.

I suddenly have this feeling that Tom's attempted again and I am freaking a bit. If I'm right, I'm going to so fucking kill that bastard.

Other than that, I just got over an anxiety attack. Fun stuff.

I CAN BRING PEOPLE WHO DON'T GO TO MY SCHOOL TO HOMECOMING. YES! And my cousin is insisting I bring him as well, with a bunch of his friends. *sigh* The obligations of him. Plus, he wants me to set him up. EW.

So, I'm keeping it short because I'm exhausted, my face hurts from all the salty goodness that's been pouring down my face today, and I still need to call my best friend and do homework. So until next time, bye bye.

Oh, just a side note: I HATE BIOLOGY. ;D

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nightmares are the work of dreams gone horribly, horribly wrong

I'm not supposed to be here, but I am. This blogging thing is addictive as hell.

So, I love my giant window. It allows the full moon to illuminate my bedroom to the point that it appears to be the middle of the day at 3 am. Utterly gorgeous sight. The only way it could've been better would be if there were stars out, but no, the moon is lonely at night. The stars have been chased away by the streetlamps.

Another good thing about the moon, it's chased away the nightmare.

I kept having this dream that Tom is finally successful in his idiotic suicide attempts. As if that's not bad enough, that night a guy (who looks kind've like Tom, but it's dark and hard to tell) comes through my window. I think it is Tom and I'm crying out of sheer joy that he's not dead. I'm utterly ecstatic that he's alive. So he comes in, sits on the bed with me and pulls out something from his pocket. Sometimes it's a shard of glass, and sometimes it's a razor. I'm confused but he's smiling like a madman and pins me on the bed and starts cutting me. I'm screaming and crying but no one can hear me and he just keeps cutting and cutting. He's still grinning and even laughs a few times while I'm screaming.

And it goes on like that for a while until I freak myself out enough to wake up. Then I spend a few hours staring at my window and trying to calm myself down. One time I must've fallen asleep because I dreamt that Tori came over, climbed through the window and comforted me until I was asleep. And of course, Dezzi walks in while Tori is there, quiet as a mouse and when I'm screaming everyone's asleep. But that's dreams for you, illogical.

It makes me wonder what would happen if I had the dream and then woke up and Tom was actually there.

Well class is almost over, off to lunch!

Monday, October 13, 2008

For once a post that's not 4 million miles long


Oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die.

So my day wrapped up into three words. Shitty. As. Hell. Well, I suppose you could also call it 'interesting.' (To all the firefly/Serenity fans out there who just got that reference. I'm a fellow geek and I adore you.)

First, I thought it was an even day when it was an odd day so I brought all the wrong stuff to school. I had a test in Japanese that I couldn't study for because I didn't have my notes. I had Biology, where the power went out and the microscopes didn't work and he still expected us to finish the lab. I embarrassed myself constantly with my lack of skills in remembering people's names. And then after school I had to rush around and do four things at once and spend time with Brandy, of all people. And all of this was accomplished on two hours of sleep due to nightmares and insomnia. The result was me acting spazzy and ADD all day and singing songs at the top of my lungs, and trust me, I am NOT a good singer. The fact that today I thought I actually didn't do so bad just proves how much I need sleep or a lazy-eyed midget to hit me with a pink hammer until my hearing returns.

But the highlight of my day is that I got actual spaghetti for dinner and Dezzi and I watched 'How I Met Your Mother' and listened to a song that reminds her of me. Great stuff.

I'm going to kill something for my lack of money and dresses. Preferably, the school because they won't let me take a student to homecoming who doesn't go to our school. BOO. Pretty much the verdict for an outfit for homecoming is between this aqua dress that used to be my mom's and in my opinion looks awful on me, my cotton black dress with gray jeans underneath (because, as I learned at the Twilight Party, if I do any dancing in that dress without pants on underneath, I flash my panties to everyone. Thank you Towi for dancing behind me the whole time) or a pair of gray dress slacks that mom bought me for a job interview at OMSI that need to be hemmed and a pretty striped purple top. Yay for purple!

If it wasn't a school dance and I wouldn't look like an idiot, I'd probably let Emma dress me, which would mean I'd be a slutty rainbow. This is one of my backups for Halloween, however.

And on the topic of fashion, me and Kisti discussed the best and cheapest way to dress up as a zombie. The bad thing is that it will be FREEZING COLD IN RIPPED CLOTHES. I definitely need to go to the Zombie Parade downtown. With any luck, Katie will tag along because it would be like heaven for her. So my schedule for that week is Hawthorne shopping, Homecoming, Zombie Parade, school, school, school, school, Trick or Treating/Escape Party with Nick. It's gonna be great.


I really gotta work on making my posts shorter. I just ramble on and on and on and on and on...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

First Impressions

So here's my first entry. I always think too much about these things because this will determine your entire idea of who I am. My math teacher on our first day puked outside and then gave us a lecture on first impressions and how they're almost always wrong because he won't puke every time we have class. I'm always wondering about impressions and what we think of other people and what they think of us and the judgments involved in all of it lately. I blame my Literary Seminar class (not to be confused with the three other Lit. classes I'm taking) because right now that's what we're discussing. It makes me wonder what our big project is going to be this time. Maybe something about what our perfect religion would include. Hmm, let's see. How about a religion that has no god, everything is the product of random chance, you live for each day and everyone believes that in an ideal world humanity wouldn't exist. Oh wait, that's Chahles' entire philosophy and if it were a religion you'd get nutcases that would kill everyone to create this 'ideal world'. Oh well.

I think I'm going to take my camera to school tomorrow, and take pictures of everyone by surprise. The only problem with that whole 'catch them by surprise' thing, is that the pictures are usually blurry. I need a new camera, but I'm broke and can't get a job so I can't afford one. And we're not having christmas this year so that's out.

So this is probably pretty unusual for a first post, huh? Usually someone would introduce themselves, talk about their lives and their interests, but that requires too much thinking and I'd be sitting in front of this computer for 4 days trying to create the perfect first post without somehow bringing up a demon into the computer that wants to love me and kill everyone else and then Buffy has to come and save the day, as per usual (Dezzi has got me watching the entire 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' series from beginning to end). So screw that I'll start in the middle, as if I've had this blog for a while and I'm perfectly comfortable. It's a possibility that I'll post all that information about interests and hobbies and my life later, but I'm not giving any guarantees. Most of the people who read this will be my friends and they already know me. And if you want to know me, then ask and I may respond.

I got a really scary email earlier. It was from this girl Jess, giving me part of a song she wrote. It's all about the pain she's in because I stole him from her and how she wished I would disappear. It freaked me out because I instantly thought it was from 'Jess' as in 'Jess and Jamee' (Or if you're Shortie, Tom's Team Rocket). Freaked me the hell out. Then I double-checked the email address and it was from Jess from my Literary Magazine class and the song was a work of coincidental fiction that we had to write for class. Mine was about beatings and suicide and somehow had a happy ending. It's to the tune of 'An Irish Lullaby.'

And so there's my first post. I'm off to call Buffy to save the day now, just in case I have created an evil demon within this blog.

Oh, and Team Rocket Jess? Don't get any brilliant ideas about sending me emails with songs that should freak me out.