Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Small Note to the Readers

So two posts in one day? I haven't done that for awhile. I haven't even posted on here since forever ago it seems like. I kind of forgot about blogging and how nice it is to get your words and thoughts out. I guess I should thank Jessica for reminding me with all of her comments. Thank you, they made me really happy.

So I just posted a lot of depressing stuff about my current stressors. I had hesitated before pressing 'Publish Post.' I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted I wanted to push my problems onto my readers. But it felt weird to write something just to delete it. Writing it made me feel better, so the words have a right to exist, right? I eventually decided that this blog is about life, my life. Life has it's ups and downs and who am I to protect you guys from the problems of the world? If you don't want to read about my problems, then skip over it, I don't mind.

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