Monday, February 16, 2009


It's interesting how things have changed. For instance, I originally made this blog to keep up with a couple friends on here, when I realized no one was going to read mine. There were no comments. There were no followers. I had a blog, and no audience.

So I wrote for myself. I ranted about things I didn't think anyone else would care about simply so I could get them out of my head. It didn't matter what I did or didn't put up or whether it made sense because no one was around for it to make sense to other than me.

Then I was found.

Which is a bit of a feat, let me tell you. I was amazed when I looked and saw that I had a follower. Oh, dear Jessica, how awesome it was that you found me. Then lo and behold, TWO followers. It was a miracle! I had an audience!

It wasn't that I would mind if anyone had found this blog, I always wondered if people were reading it and just not following me (this totally makes you guys sound like stalkers for reading, sorries. It is not my intention). If someone read it, great. I didn't write it for people to read but I didn't care if they did because I doubted anyone did. There was no proof.

Now I have people coming up to me in the hall saying 'I read your latest blog' and people actually COMMENTING on my entries. It makes me happy, but I kind've miss the old one.

Maybe I'll make a new one, just to see how long it takes for people to find. It would be an interesting experiment.


Bloggin' Babak! said...

first of all, thanks for including jessica and NOT
second, I started my blog for the same purpose, and now i have FOUR , count them, FOUR followers (you are not one of them....but u should follow my blog for the sole purpose of making me have FIVE

if you want to get more people to read them, try posting the link on facebook....that works for me...

Anonymous said...

I think I know what you mean. I enjoy writing simply for the purpose of rambling on and letting my thoughts mingle for a little while in the form of words on a screen instead of just buzzing around in my head.

I was glad to find your blog. It makes me feel like I should know you better than I do. I met you in sixth grade...but I feel like I don't know much about your life outside of school. Creepy? I'm not sure.

I always find myself wishing I took more time to get to know people I see on an almost daily basis. I want to make connections and learn from people. I want to let people know I appreciate who they are, even if I don't exactly know them.


Look, I'm rambling. Ha.

Well, I'll see you at the Overneath meeting on Monday :)

I wish you could've gone to Bare.

Kiki said...

Bobby, that wasn't the point of the post. I don't care if people read it or not.

Jessica, in middle school we didn't talk much. And we still don't, not outside of school stuff. We should hang out sometime.

Yeah, I was sad about that too. Was Bare as good as everyone says?