Monday, February 9, 2009

A Small Truth

Beauty is fleeting.

That's what makes it beautiful. If it is always there, it isn't extraordinary, it isn't gorgeous. It's normal. Beauty comes and goes and some people don't even see it, but it's already gone. They can't find it. it will never be the same ever again.

Every moment is different. It's unique. It'll never happen in just the same way ever again. And within each moment, is a thousand others that run away, just passing through the town for the slightest amount of time before they're gone forever. You'll never see it the same way again, it will never be the same. You can try to capture beauty, but it is just an imitation, it's not the real thing. the real thing doesn't exist, not anymore. It left a long time ago.

So you should treasure the moments you have. And the ones yet to come. Don't cry because it's done and over with. Celebrate that you had it, and what will happen. You can't even imagine it. Hold onto your imitations, for they're the best you have. They hold the memory. You will only be here for a second, only breath that bit of air for a fleeting moment before you're gone. So enjoy it while you have it. And when it is gone, remember. For the imitation that is memory is the best thing you have, and what a glorious thing it is. Because it is so much better than nothing.


Anonymous said...

I think this just might be my favorite of yours so far. Do you think it would make a good overneath piece?

Kiki said...

Maybe. I can submit it and we'll see.

At the very least it'll keep it from being Charles' magazine. ;D

Sir Real said...

Beauty. Agreed.