Friday, March 18, 2011

The Secret Knowledge I Didn't Know I Had

One of the things about me, is I'm almost always looking towards the future. I'm always trying to see what it looks like, trying to make sure it will be the best it can be. When I was younger, I couldn't wait to be sixteen. Eighteen had too many responsibilities (it still does), but once you were sixteen, you were grown-up enough for people to treat you like an adult, but young enough to not worry about grown-up things. Being sixteen was cool. At least that's how thirteen-year-old me saw it.

I like to think that thirteen-year-old me also knew that things would change when I was sixteen. Like some sort of secret knowledge that even I didn't know I had.

Things did change when I was sixteen. I gained trust back from my parents. I made decisions that were extremely difficult to make, but extremely beneficial. I found balance. I switched schools. I went through therapy. I met so many new friends that I don't know what I would do without now. I met the love of my life.

A lot of things changed when I was sixteen. When I think about it now, my life would be so completely different if they hadn't changed. I wouldn't have my friends if I hadn't switched schools. I would still be in a negative environment. I wouldn't love what I do, or have the opportunities that I've had. My life would be completely different, and in no way as wonderful as it is now.

So I guess I want to thank thirteen-year-old me, for knowing that life would get better. And looking forward to this wonderful future.

You know what I can't wait for now? Being a mom. Although that is going to be a much longer wait. Way more then 3 years. ;)

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