Saturday, March 26, 2011

Linkey Links

So here are some of the craft blogs that are super inspiring and just plain awesome. This is for my benefit as well as yours.

This tutorial for monogrammed mugs is so wonderful. I can't wait to try it.

That's a lot for now. We'll see how long it takes for me to add more.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Coming Soon

I swear, I'm going to post more pictures of things, and update about what my life is like on this thing.

I want to be more like the other craft blogs, plus some creative writings and insightful thoughts. (Also minus the christian-ness, bible quotes, and housewifeyness. Although I would make a WONDERFUL housewife.)

So as soon as I got through my history and find them all again (why didn't I write it down? WHY? -.- ), I'm going to post links to the wonderful list of blogs that I discovered in the past couple of days. I'm also going to take a page from various blogs and post interviews with artist's, links to etsy shops, and write a day about what my room is like. The latter bit is partly because I LOVE my room, partly because we'll be moving soonish and I want to remember and cherish it, and partly because it's just awesome. Also supporting small businesses founded on the internet and the adoration people seem to have for all things homemade is a wonderful thing to do.

So hopefully writing this will motivate me to actually do these things. Kind of like a to-do list!


The Secret Knowledge I Didn't Know I Had

One of the things about me, is I'm almost always looking towards the future. I'm always trying to see what it looks like, trying to make sure it will be the best it can be. When I was younger, I couldn't wait to be sixteen. Eighteen had too many responsibilities (it still does), but once you were sixteen, you were grown-up enough for people to treat you like an adult, but young enough to not worry about grown-up things. Being sixteen was cool. At least that's how thirteen-year-old me saw it.

I like to think that thirteen-year-old me also knew that things would change when I was sixteen. Like some sort of secret knowledge that even I didn't know I had.

Things did change when I was sixteen. I gained trust back from my parents. I made decisions that were extremely difficult to make, but extremely beneficial. I found balance. I switched schools. I went through therapy. I met so many new friends that I don't know what I would do without now. I met the love of my life.

A lot of things changed when I was sixteen. When I think about it now, my life would be so completely different if they hadn't changed. I wouldn't have my friends if I hadn't switched schools. I would still be in a negative environment. I wouldn't love what I do, or have the opportunities that I've had. My life would be completely different, and in no way as wonderful as it is now.

So I guess I want to thank thirteen-year-old me, for knowing that life would get better. And looking forward to this wonderful future.

You know what I can't wait for now? Being a mom. Although that is going to be a much longer wait. Way more then 3 years. ;)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


It appears to me that all the craft bloggers are devoutly Christian mothers of one or two and are generally married to priests.

What does that say about the craftblog world? Where are all the teenagers? The unmarried folk? The non-housewifes?

I'm not sure where they are, but I know they are out there.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Sometimes I like to write about my dreams. Writing about them helps you remember them later on.

So last night I had two dreams and I remember almost every bit of them.

In the first one, Emma and I were running around outside, just being silly and having fun. Kind of like we did on the snow day last week, when we went to the park and made a snowman and explored. We were running around on some grass and going over a river with these big black rocks around it and I was on the phone with her sister. Her sister, Katie, couldn't stand being away from Emma and said she was almost at the train stop near us. I didn't let Emma know that she was about to see her sister but instead started towards the train stop under the guise of more exploring. Then I saw Katie from the back, she was on a payphone. I guess Emma didn't recognize her until she hung up on me and turned around. Her hair was short and it's natural dark color, like it is when she first gets it cut. There was a loving embrace between sisters and we decided to get on the MAX. It funny how there were no buildings around, just fields of grass and a MAX stop.

So we got on the train and I wish I could remember our conversations, but I can't. It was something fun. Tanner was there, for some reason. Emma was sitting next to me, in the front part of the train, Katie was in the seats in front of us, turned around. Tanner was across the aisle, sitting sideways so we were all facing each other. I do remember it snowing outside the max. There were no other passengers I could see, even though some had been waiting at the stop where we boarded. I commented that when we got off the train, I would be cold because it was snowing and I didn't have a jacket. I think Katie offered me one, but I said I was fine for now. I stared out the windows. It was dark now, kind of the purpley-grey color that the sky gets when it's getting dark on a cloudy day. The snow was really bright but I couldn't see any ground around us. Just purple sky and white snow falling. It was pretty.

Then I woke up, thinking I had fallen asleep on the max. I was really surprised when I woke up and found that I was in my bed, had kicked off all my blankets, was cold, and had drooled all over my pillow. It was the middle of the night, so I went back to bed.

The next dream I had involved Bullwinkle's because I was thinking about how much fun Grad Night was going to be before actually falling asleep. I was there with Colin, Brendan, and Savannah. There was this really fun game I played where you had to direct yourself (I think you were in a rollercoaster car or a boat) through the turns of railroad track, waves of taffy, and onslaught of rain drops. It was really cool. You stood on what looked like a DDR dance pad, with the arrows, but it was made out of a stretchy plastic, like a trampoline or a scuba suit. It was really stretchy, so it sank quite a bit when you stood on it. You turned and controlled the car by shifting your weight, so I don't know why it had arrows like DDR on it.

There were three of these pads, arranged with one in front and two behind like a triangle, but the one in front was raised above the other two. I think this was for single or two-player mode. I was playing for a really long time, and having a blast. I think I remember Emma being there beside me, cheering me on or playing alongside me, I don't know. Maybe my dream-self just had that memory because until I woke up, I was sure that I had played this game before, the last time I went to Bullwinkle's, which was with Emma. After I woke up, I realized that the game didn't exist and was kind of disappointed.

The game was really cool because when your cart did flips in the air or went upside down, you felt like you were going upside down. There was some story about a family going to a theme park and it was a murder mystery but I don't remember much of that. I just remember the flips in a pink, taffy ocean. It was wicked. But after I had played for forever and finally lost (but still making a high score!), I went to find Colin to play alongside him.

I did finally find him, shouting at him from across the room. He turned and he had this red stuff all over his mouth and dripping down his chin, like the blood on a zombie who just devoured somebody. He also had one of those wind-up keys that are on old toys spinning on his back. I remember thinking that he must have got his face-painted and a cool costume accessory from the prize-counter. Suddenly he was beside me, devoid of blood and wind-up key. I told him about the game and we ran off to go play it together. He was terrible at it, and we kept dying. It was still really fun. Then I remembered we hadn't seen Brendan or Savannah for a while so we went off and found them and I told them all how happy I was to hang out with all of them and be here. We ate pizza and had a blast, the four of us.

I love happy dreams. <3 <3 <3