Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Quick Update on My Life

I have 47 days until I graduate. 25 actual days of school left. The deadlines are looming, and I am stressed out like crazy, right when senioritis is kicking in and I'm procrastinating like crazy. I'd much rather craft than do homework. Most of my work has to be done by the 20th of May, so I have even less time.

But what do I spend my time doing? Knitting. I made my first pair of fingerless gloves the other day. It's the only thing I've made since I learned to knit in 8th grade that wasn't a scarf. I gave them to my friend, Lara, who was loving the softness of the yarn the day before when I was knitting through calculus. Now, all my friends are buying yarn and asking me to teach them how to knit. It's funny how quickly hobbies can explode into large circles of knitting during study hall.

I also have gotten my friends into writing letters to each other. I love the mail system, and the effort it takes to write a letter the old-fashioned way and wait for a response. Doesn't everybody love getting mail?

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