Saturday, December 13, 2008

You Stink of Lies and Dirty Thighs

Hey yo.

I just was re-watching some of my friend Thomas' old videos on his blog. He hasn't updated in months, not really a blog person I guess. Or he just got bored with it. Ah well.

I just got home from picking out Christmas trees. I didn't do any of the picking. My cousin, Cole, took me out on his ATV and we drove around the land at 60mph until we got low on gas. If you like thrills, I'd suggest getting an ATV, and riding around hills and muddy country where you could topple over pretty easily with the guy who's usually out to kill you. It was pretty scary but really, REALLY fun. It was about 35 degrees up where they live, so with the wind blowing past us, and the mud making us wet and dirty (mostly me), it's surprising we didn't get hypothermia.

Mom was just talking about whether or not she'd get prosecuted for killing Dad.

I'm actually not really looking forward to Christmas, for many reasons. One, Mom and Dad are making me and my sister, Dezzi, feel like a burden for being here, because if we weren't here, they wouldn't feel guilty if they didn't get us anything. Secondly, once the holidays are over, shit is going to be hitting the fan. We're going to be going through everything, selling as much as we can, because we won't be able to fit all of our stuff in a apartment. We're moving. We can't afford to keep the house I've lived in ALL MY LIFE. I was raised here, I just re-did my room, and now we're going to move. We have no other option. I probably shouldn't say 'we,' because Dad isn't coming with us. He and Mom are going to probably get divorced because they can't stand each other anymore. Oh, and we have to sell our dogs, because we have too many.

Can you see why I kind've despise the holidays right now?

Right now I'm rping on my rp site with Sakura. It's kind've cheering me up, although I wish Shiny was on, because I enjoy using Kaiyo more than Kira and Riku. It's funny, when I play Riku, I just think about what Thom would do in that situation.

Which reminds me of the bastard. It's his birthday tomorrow, right? He's turning 18 and all that, and he hates that fact. All the good things about it he could do now if he wanted, and he really dislikes the bad. "14 is pushing it." so, he's going to be out all night, which ruins my plans of going over there. I'm still planning this elaborate maze that I told him about, but I'll use it in about 3 years, because he has the kind of memory that he'd forget all about it by then. If he's still there, that is. I miss his blog updates, I miss talking to The Girls. He's a lot more closed off than he used to be, but part of that is my own fault. Talkign to The Girls helped me understand him more. Kristi told Clara about the trip from this past summer. Yeah, she's pissed because she couldn't believe I'd be that STUPID. yeah, when I see her again, I'll have bruises. I was all excited to see Thom's face when I surprised him at his house, but no, he won't let me. Now I'm just... lonely I guess.

Alright, I have to go now. I have to get started on some christmas gifts.

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