Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Link To More Muses, Somewhat More Successful Ones

I found the wordpress of mine before I revamped this ol' blog. Why did I switch from Wordpress to Blogger? I don't really know. Maybe I just like my familiar.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Negativity Can Ruin A Good Day

The world is too depressing of a place. I don't understand it sometimes.

All the posts I'm running into on facebook are talking about crappy schedules or annoying people or they're generally apathetic. My least favorite is " jolly is so cool but i really really hate the fact im stuck with all the punk ass shithead juniors in my math class. this is of course excluding certain people. but still, why are we stuck with such irritating people. we might ...actually need a seating chart cuz people are so fucking stupid."

Everyone focuses on all the negative things of the day. There are SO MANY great things to be excited about but people take them all for granted.

For example, things I was excited about today:
1. First day of senior year
2. Internships
3. It was sunny when I got out of school
4. My classes are a lot of fun and I get to see my friends every day now
5. My new bed is extremely comfortable
6. Mac n cheese for dinner
7. Getting mail
The list goes on.

I should have stopped and chatted with the person who made the status quoted above and pointed out all the good things that happened to them today when they were still online, but I didn't think of it then. I also didn't want to focus on it. Facebook had nothing to say but the negative points of the day, it was pouring down rain outside, and the world seemed too depressing in that moment to be worth my time.

One of these days I'll figure out that it's probably a flaw, but I like to focus on the positives of life. I try to skip over the little things that go wrong because fretting over it will just make me upset. Now, sometimes people have every right to be negative and upset and express it and I'm not saying everyone should ignore their negative emotions. Sometimes they just need to be expressed. I was definitely complaining today that our vice principal, Mr. Semana, was too stupid to understand that I am not supposed to be in Spanish 4.

But it's words like that that make general statements and lead to alienation of opposing views. Semana isn't a stupid person. He's quite smart to figure out and balance everyone's schedule to the best of his ability. The problem came about because he was stressed out and trying to decipher who needed schedules changed because of missing credits, and who just wanted a different class. I wasn't missing credits, so he figured I was okay. He rushed and didn't read the paperwork I had given the secretary all the way. He didn't look at my transcript and saw that I didn't even complete Spanish 1 last year. He was rushing because he was stressed because everyone wanted to change their schedules right away.

And after emailing him my reasons for needing a change, an email he took the time to read, he was all too happy to give me a TA period instead of a Spanish class and save me the embarrassment of being the only senior in Spanish 1.

So try to keep a positive look on life and appreciate the little things. You can express yourself when you're upset, but try to keep an open mind and see why someone is really acting the way they are. If they're labeled as "stupid" or "punkass shitheads" it won't solve any problems.

Here's hoping you're having a good day.

First Days

Today was the first day of senior year. Also known as my last first day of high school. Mom used this logic as an excuse to buy me ice cream because it was her last chance to do so on the first day of school.

Overall it was a good day. My classes seem like they'll be a lot of fun and I have a lot of them with my friends. I'll definitely have more work to do. Plus this year I know a lot more people at my school so it's less intimidating.

Even our principal said this was our year because we're the first graduating class of Health and Science and it's going to be great. We are the shit and have tons of new staff that are just dedicated to helping us out and getting us internships and all sorts of wonderful stuff.

So I'm pretty psyched.