Thursday, March 26, 2009

Note to Self: Don't Make Out With a Smoker

I haven't seen ya'll in a while. Good morning!

It's definitely been a great spring break so far. Beach trips, sleepovers, Portland, and so much more has happened. Yesterday went from good to bad to okay and stayed that way. Mom and Dad didn't notice anything wrong with my appearance thank the gods.

I adore Portland. I don't think I can ever move away from this place. I love California too, but only for trips, not to live in. *shudders at the thought of being around all those creepy movie-types everyday*

Tori surprised me. At first we were having a great time then Elijah pulls me aside in the elevator to make out and Tori is shocked and starts to lecture me on how I like someone else bah blah blah.

Now, these are the facts that Tori is judging on:
It's been a week since I admitted to Colin that I liked him. Even longer since he figured it out. Nothing has happened between us. I'm not going to be loyal to a guy who isn't interested.

Then Tori realizes that Elijah acts a lot like the love of her life, Drake, and decides to make out with him, sit on his lap and pretty much do more than I was doing in the first place. Now you may disagree, but I think that's just a little hypocritical.

Elijah didn't come over last night, but I didn't really expect him to either. Drake is coming back today, so I don't know what's going to happen there. All I know is now that he's back from Cali I'm going to lose sleep again. Little bastard and his evil plots.

So that's all for now. Not a very interesting post. Sorry about that.
Until next time, have a great spring break guys.